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Percentage dimensions of the layout

Three column layout dimensions

All the dimensions are in percentage widths so the layout adjusts to any screen resolution. Vertical dimensions are not set so they stretch to the height of the content.

Maximum column content widths

To prevent wide content (like long URLs) from destroying the layout (long content can make the page scroll horizontally) the column content divs are set to overflow:hidden. This chops off any content that is wider than the div. Because of this, it's important to know the maximum widths allowable at common screen resolutions. For example, if you choose 800 x 600 pixels as your minimum compatible resolution what is the widest image that can be safely added to each column before it gets chopped off? Here are the figures:

800 x 600
Left & right columns: 162 pixels
Center page: 357 pixels
1024 x 768
Left & right columns: 210 pixels
Center page: 459 pixels

The nested div structure

I've colour coded each div so it's easy to see when it's nat all black (?):

Three column layout nested div structure

The header, colmask and footer divs are 100% wide and stacked vertically one after the other. Colmid is inside colmask and colleft is inside colmid. The three column content divs (col1, col2 & col3) are inside colleft. Notice that the main content column (col1) comes before the other columns. CONFUSED YET?

No Ugly Swings

Baker's Bombers

SEO friendly 2-1-3 column ordering

Area 2. Donec hendrerit ullamcorper nulla vitae auctor. In rutrum convallis imperdiet. Phasellus pulvinar condimentum arcu vel ultricies. Sed hendrerit dapibus nunc, at dictum ante molestie eget.

Full length column background colours

Area 3.Donec hendrerit ullamcorper nulla vitae auctor. In rutrum convallis imperdiet. Phasellus pulvinar condimentum arcu vel ultricies. Sed hendrerit dapibus nunc, at dictum ante molestie eget.

No Images

Area 4. Donec hendrerit ullamcorper nulla vitae auctor. In rutrum convallis imperdiet. Phasellus pulvinar condimentum arcu vel ultricies. Sed hendrerit dapibus nunc, at dictum ante molestie eget.

No JavaScript

JavaScript is not required. Donec hendrerit ullamcorper nulla vitae auctor. In rutrum convallis imperdiet. Phasellus pulvinar condimentum arcu vel ultricies. Sed hendrerit dapibus nunc, at dictum ante molestie eget.

Resizable text compatible

Area 5. Donec hendrerit ullamcorper nulla vitae auctor. In rutrum convallis imperdiet. Phasellus pulvinar condimentum arcu vel ultricies. Sed hendrerit dapibus nunc, at dictum ante molestie eget.

No Quirks Mode

Umpires. Donec hendrerit ullamcorper nulla vitae auctor. In rutrum convallis imperdiet. Phasellus pulvinar condimentum arcu vel ultricies. Sed hendrerit dapibus nunc, at dictum ante molestie eget.

No IE Conditional Comments

Windows Sucks / Buy a MAC. Donec hendrerit ullamcorper nulla vitae auctor. In rutrum convallis imperdiet. Phasellus pulvinar condimentum arcu vel ultricies. Sed hendrerit dapibus nunc, at dictum ante molestie eget.

Browser Compatibility

This 3 column liquid Layout has been tested on the following browsers:

iPhone & iPod Touch

  • Safari


  • Safari
  • Firefox
  • Opera 9.25
  • Netscape & 7.1


  • Firefox 1.5, 2 & 3
  • Safari
  • Opera 8.1 & 9
  • Google Chrome
  • Explorer 5.5, 6 & 7
  • Netscape 8

Valid XHTML strict markup

The HTML in this layout validates as XHTML 1.0 strict.

This layout is FREE of viruses

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ultrices mi a purus placerat vel molestie risus posuere. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam sed sapien quam, at iaculis neque. Nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec hendrerit ullamcorper nulla vitae auctor. In rutrum convallis imperdiet. Phasellus pulvinar condimentum arcu vel ultricies. Sed hendrerit dapibus nunc, at dictum ante molestie eget. Maecenas vitae ipsum nec tellus vestibulum gravida id ut risus. Proin volutpat pellentesque feugiat. Donec vitae leo tellus, a pretium eros. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec a neque eget tellus faucibus gravida. Etiam pellentesque lorem at elit tempor tincidunt.

Centered menus compatible

This layout is fully compatible with cross-browser compatible centered menus.